Spykman Seminars
The Spykman Center offers Spring and Autumn Seminars
on Geopolitical Analysis and International Relations.
  • Archived
    The Geopolitics of the Middle East
    The second edition of the weekly seminar for the academic year 2023-24 ran from 28th February to 20th March. A total of four sessions were headed by Professor Graziano focusing on the history and geopolitics of the Middle East, the Palestinian Question, and the role of Middle East in the greater international events in the present era.
  • Archived
    A Geopolitical Introduction to the Critical Actors of International Relations
    The first edition of the seminar series for the academic year 2023-24 ran from 18th October to 20th November. A total of five sessions were headed by Professor Graziano focusing on the geopolitics of the United States, Europe, China, India and Russia.
  • Archived
    Introduction to Geopolitical Analysis
    Spykman Center's first online seminar series ran from November 2022-April 2023. The rich and engaging weekly discussions were based on Prof. Manlio Graziano's book Geopolitics of International Relations in the 21st Century (2019).